Equal Opportunities

One of the overarching and elementary horizontal principles valid throughout the EU is the principle of equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market. This principle is reflected in the guidelines of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, within the framework of EU funds for the period 2014-2020 . They refer to the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination, including accessibility for persons with disabilities and the principle of equal opportunities for women and men.

equal opportunities-Foundation Centre for Business Solutions Lublin-CRB Lublin

Equal opportunities for women and men have also been regulated under Polish law, i.e. in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Compliance with the principle of equal opportunities for women and men is a condition for the implementation of the strategic objectives under the Europe 2020 Strategy. These refer to sustainable economic growth and development of society, especially in terms of equal opportunities for women and men. The principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination allows all persons to participate fully in all areas of society on an equal and unchanging basis.

One of the priorities of the Business Solutions Centre is to conduct its activities in accordance with the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination and the principle of equal opportunities for women and men. The activities of the Business Solutions Centre aim to ensure equal opportunities and non-discrimination and gender equality by:

  • Adherence to the above principles in the project implementation process;
  • Conducting recruitment for individual projects under the operational programmes, on an equal and open basis for all prospective participants;
  • A non-discriminatory and non-stereotypical form and content of advertisements and the use of diverse media channels in information and promotional material on ongoing projects;
  • Adaptation of training rooms to meet the needs of people with disabilities, in particular those with mobility impairments;
  • Gender diversity in the employment of Business Solutions Centre employees (the hiring process primarily takes into account qualifications, experience and knowledge rather than gender, views, physical ability or religion, etc.);
  • Organising work to reconcile work and family life, e.g. by using flexible forms of employment;
  • Providing training aimed at employees of the Business Solutions Centre on the principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination;


Business Solutions Centre

13 Grenadier Street
20-331 Lublin
NIP: 712-329-92-47
KRS: 0000570419

Office opening hours:
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